Utsaha in India

Tirumala pilgrim

This is tw0 letters t0 leaders in India fr0m a very enthusiastic dev0tee, Amitachara Prabhu.

Dear Bhakti Vikas Maharaja, Please accept my humble 0beiances.All gl0ries t0 Srila Prabhupada.

We'd like t0 inf0rm y0u that by y0ur mercy we are happily distributing y0ur b00k "message t0 the y0uth 0f India" with all the Srila Prabhupada qu0tes in it. It is such an inspiring b00k and an eye-0pener especially f0r the y0uth. Again we are 0rdering 500 c0pies and are eagerly waiting t0 distribute them.

The pe0ple are ready f0r spiritual guidance and we have t0 help them t0 the best 0f 0ur capacity. Tirumala pilgrim place is an 0cean 0f nectarean preaching. Masses 0f pe0ple c0me fr0m all 0ver India and all 0ver the w0rld. 0ur plan here is t0 distribute within five years time 10 lakhs (1 milli0n) telugu Bhagavad-gita's in Andra Pradesh. We feel this is the best guidance we can give t0 the pe0ple. Let Srila Prabhupada's b00ks g0 in every n00k and c0rner. We d0n't care if the dem0ns get agitated. N0 sense gratificati0n. And we als0 can rem0ve 0ur 0wn materialism in 0ur 0wn hearts. It will b00m up the S0uth Indian preaching very much and we can s0lve even the Bangal0re issue and s0 many 0ther issues by diving in the nectar 0f b00k distributi0n. Als0 it will devel0p the Mayapur pr0ject very fast. We can have even a transcendental c0mpetiti0n with Bangal0re. Their planning is t0 have a very big b00k marath0n f0r december 2002. We are als0 planning f0r 50,000 telegu BG's 100rs each and 100,000 b00kp0ints. Printing is under preparati0n in B0mbay, f0r the first time such big quantity f0r Andra Pradesh. Narmada Swami is printing f0r B0mbay al0ne already 300,000 c0pies. These huge quantities 0f Srila Prabhupada's BG can really change the s0ciety in a deep and faster way, we believe, as Srila Prabhupada says: "My ambiti0n is t0 spread these b00ks far and wide all 0ver the w0rld s0 that every0ne shall read at least 0ne 0f 0ur b00ks, and that will change his life. If 0nly 1% bec0me dev0tees that will change the w0rld."(May 2 1972,t0 Karandhara) and "All ther leaders sh0uld tax their brains f0r increasing the sales 0f 0ur b00ks."(N0B p.51-SP qu0te). Dear Maharaja, all the dev0tees here are fired up t0 d0 s0mething w0nderful t0 gl0rify and satisfy Srila Prabhupada m0re and m0re in the near future, but we require y0ur m0st magnanim0us blessings 0therwise it will n0t be p0ssible. Please bless us.

The plan 0f printing a small 0r medium b00k with all 0f Srila Prabhupada qu0tes 0n b00k distributi0n w0uld be really effective in inspiring dev0tees. When y0u read the qu0tes 0ne after an0ther, it is really energizing and pushing us t0 make plans and execute them. We have t0 discuss with HH Narmada Swami and HH G0pal Krishna Swami. T0gether we can w0rk 0ut this plan.

Amitachara das.

HARE KRISHNA Subj.:H0w t0 drasticcaly INCREASE the b00kdistributi0n in India:Urgent!

Dear G0pal Krishna Maharaja, Please accept my humble 0beiances!All gl0ries t0 Srila prabhupada! Transcendental B00kdistributi0n Ki Jay!!!

This is a message 0f Amitachara das 0f Tirupati ISKC0N, sankirtanleader f0r 25 b00k distribut0r bramacaris full time daily f0r 6 h0urs 0n the b00ktables in this very h0ly place. F0r l0ng time I am planning t0 c0ntact y0u, dear maharaja 0n this subject, which I believe is m0st imp0rtant f0r a big preaching effect in India t0day.Srila Prabhupada app0inted y0u s0 w0nderfully as b00k distributi0n in charge 0f India. As every0ne kn0ws y0u are a very hard w0rking pers0nalityand inspire every0ne t0 be very seri0us.

I remember y0ur inspiring w0rds 0n the yearly w0rld b00kdistribut0r awards cerem0ny in Mayapur this year: "It is the life and F0RCE 0f this Krishna C0nsci0usness M0vement. It requires a l0t 0f intelligence t0 distribute b00ks. H0w t0 c0ntinue and increase B00k distributi0n , it is a w0nderful challenge f0r the intelligence.It is 0ur mentality, faith and enthusiasm and purity, even in a seemingly difficult situati0n. If y0u l00k f0r BD-0PP0RTUNITY, Krishna will give, when there is g00d sadhana and enth0usiasm. "these are such inspiring w0rds which we want t0 impliment by y0ur mercy, 0therwise n0t it's n0tp0ssible.

F0r the last 12 years I distribute c0ntin0usly b00ks very happily, the last 8 years in India (3 years 0n padayathra India, 1 year B0mbay juhu TSKP and 4 years in Tirupati. Fr0m the beginning I arrived in India I was seeing that in India 0ne can distribute milli0ns 0f b00ks in 1 year. When will this time c0me, I am always thinking. It needs singleminded 0rganizati0n and seri0us dedicated b00k distribut0rs. In the West 0ur dev0tees have t0 s0metimes struggle s0 hard t0 distribute b00ks, but in India y0u can practically distribute b00ks with the eyes cl0sed, s0 easy. Why we sh0uld n0t utilise this unique 0pp0rtunity t0 the maximum. As I can 0bserve als0 here in Tirupati with the milli0ns 0f pilgrims. THIS IS THE BEST TIME EVER F0R HUGE B00K DISTRIBUTI0N IN INDIA. Why 0nly 700,000 b00kp0ints in the year 2001, why n0t 7,000,000 B00kp0ints in 0NE year.(10 times m0re) . Beautiful b00ks are there, pe0ple want t0 revive their 0wn culture, m0ney is there, rec0gniti0n is there, infrastructure is there, dev0tees are there, temples are there, everything is perfect, the 0nly thing needed is that the dev0tees put their heart and s0ul in it, h0w t0 0rganise it pr0perly.

Here in Tirupati we are keeping the m0st energy reserved f0r increasing b00k distributi0n: bramacaris as well as c0ngregati0n. Preaching bec0mes m0st pure while trying t0 give b00ks t0 0thers. N0 idle talk with0ut effect is p0ssible if we are sincere 0therwise they will n0t be inspired t0 take a b00k. We really have t0 t0uch the heart 0f the pers0n. In the m0nth 0f April we will reach 8000 b00kp0ints and last 3 m0nths Tirupati is n0 3 in the w0rld. 0ur plan is t0 achieve this year 150,000 b00kp0ints. We intr0duced a new system 0n the b00ktables: SETsystem, binding 4 t0 6 big b00ks t0gether f0r 1 price, als0 we d0 2 Mahabigs sets.It d0ubled 0ur b00ksc0res fr0m 4000 B00kp0ints t0 8000 b00kp0ints. We have 4 b00ktables with 8 bramacarigr0ups(2 shifts each table) and we want t0 increase t0 10 b00ktables. B00ktables (n0t just sh0ps-0pen, sh0rt,but wide tables are very cl0se t0 the pe0ple) is really effective als0 all 0ver India.We believe BD can increase here unlimitedly if we keep supplying 0ur purehearted energy and get the mercy fr0m all the vaisnavas.We want t0 break w0rldrec0rds here ,why n0t.The bramacaris (45)are in a full blissfull happy c0nditi0n and are taken nice pers0nal care 0ff.We're living t0gether like 0ne big family in nice friendship(Vasudeva Kutumba).I als0 try t0 act like an affecti0nate 0lder caring br0ther.The secret is enth0usiastic b00kdistributi0nspirit:c00perati0n bec0mes nice and pers0nal,templekirtans are deep and ecstatic,bramacaris act very resp0nsible and pure because they are happy. My realisati0n:the b00kdistributi0nspirit has t0 start fr0m the bramacariashram because they can dedicate fulltime,THEN the STEADY increase can c0me.0ne experienced inspired b00kdistribut0r is en0ugh t0 inspire 0ne yathra 0r bramacariashram. Why 0nly 0ne temple increase,let wh0le India increase,f0r this s0me p0ints are very imp0rtant:

1.N0t 0nly 0nce in a year huge BD and 11 m0nths sl0w.The real increase c0mes by steady,c0ntinued distributi0n and increasing the distributi0ntables and p0ints in and 0ut the temple.

2.Bramacarisb00kdistribut0rs sh0uld be steadily educated why BD is very pleasing f0r 0ur dearest Srila Prabhupada(teaching fr0m Nectar 0f B00kdistributi0n).:Every temple 1 enth0usiastic b00kdistribut0rleader wh0 is prepared t0 g0 0ut f0r many years himself and n0t just sit behind the desk.This is useless.0ne has t0 experience what is g0ing 0n the street.When there is an experienced b00kdistribut0r wh0 gives his experiences fr0m many years t0 0thers,this will s0lve THE PR0BLEM that after s0me time the y0ung b00kdistribut0rs l0se their inspirati0n after s0me time t0 keep g0ing: "I want that every0ne sh0uld devel0p the art 0f b00kdistributi0n."Srila Prabhupada used t0 say.

3.M0st bramacaris must experience BD f0r many years and receive fatherly training and pers0nal care.

4.Leaders and templepresidents have t0 actively and m0rally and c0mpassi0nately and spiritually enc0urage the b00kdistribut0rs:fatherly wh0lehearted training.

5.BBT sh0uld print Bhagavad-gita p0sters as it is and hang 0ut everywhere 0ver the cities.Als0 ask feedback as any c0mpany has its marketingdepartment t0 sell their pr0ducts(marath0np0sters-subsidise experienced b00kdistribut0rs wh0 can travel fr0m temple t0 temple t0 inspire and 0rganise the l0cal dev0tees-newspaper-adds-trrainstati0ns..:publicity-pr0pagand-publicity-pr0pa gan da-publicity-pr0paganda.

6.W0RLDWIDE SANKIRTAN NEWSLETTRE:all temples sh0uld and must please rep0rt.N0w 0nly a few temples 0f 60 are rec0rding and sending their sc0res.N0t f0r name and fame,but naturally inspiring f0r all the b00kdistribut0rs when they see the m0nthly b00ksc0res 0n the ann0uncementb0ard in the temple.Very imp0rtant!!

7.Wh0 are the sankirtanleaders in india???? names and keep each 0ther c0ntacted.

8.BBT.advertisement in newspaper and tv at lest 3 times a year.

9.b00ktables increase 0n railwaystati0ns,l0cal temples etc.

10.B00ktable set up in New Delhi,B0mbay and Mayapur can impr0ve!!:big stack 0f l0cal language Bhagavad-gita's and SSR's(science 0f selfrealisati0n) in fr0nt 0f the table as f0cus is abs0lutely neccessary.(f.i.New Delhi c0mmercial center can be d0ne huge distributi0n with b00ktables 0n all main c0rners.

11.I want t0 pr0duce with y0ur merciful blessings a small b00klet with Prabhupadaqu0tes 0n b00kdistributi0n:very electrifying and inspiring t0 g0 0ut after reading.

12.0ne united c0nsci0us eff0rt between different Yathra's 0f b00kdistribut0rs and BBT's helping and inspiring each 0ther in a very purehearted way:very very very very p0werful!!!!!!Lets g0 0ut anywhere and everywhere and make the pe0ple really happy by giving everyb0dy a b00k 0f Srila Prabhupada!!!

13.Let BBT gr0w 10,20,30 and 100 times bigger.Srila Prabhupada t0ld:"We have s0 many plans,we are building Mayapur City,s0 Krishna must increase 0ur B00Ksales m0re and m0re."(fr0m DISTRIBUTE B00KS,by HH SDG,p.107) Dear Maharaja,these are s0me few realisati0n which are lying 0n my heart and I w0uld like t0 receive y0ur feedback 0n this M0ST IMP0RTANT MANAGMENTSUBJECT nl.:B00kdistributi0n,the real nectar 0f life.

Y0ur humble deeply appreciating servant in S0uth India,

Amitachara das (sankirtanleader Tirupati ISKC0N). HARE KRISHNA

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