Unexpected Busload

Unexpected Busload

Dear Prabhu's,

Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

On the 14th of April H.G.Eka Gauranga dasa(JPS) and myself were distributing Srila Prabhupada's books in an open parking lot area in Kansas. The area was slow in regards to traffic flow and for the most part we just walked around. There is one spot where we park and it is near two fast food eateries. When first arriving there was a notion to just stay near these two places, but of course we just walked around. After walking around for some time the bag ran out of books and back at the van again the notion came to stay at the food stuff places.

At that time a large vehicle full of 5-6 young persons arrived and the books went in through the rolled down windows and back came donations for 4 books. Then a school bus arrived with young men and women and following this bus was another bus with more young students. The area soon became packed full with these students who were in the area for a acting and speaking competition.

Off they went into the two different eating establishments, so waht to do? Go inside and approach table by table or wait until they come back. Being confused and elated, I went inside and came back out only to try to gather strength for going back in. Alright go inside and see what happens. Luckily the inside of this place is split into 3 different sections and the one out of sight of the clerks was the one were all of the students practically sat.

There eight tables full (3-5 students per table) were in front of me and at right closest to me was a table full of the students I first met that arrived before the buses. They noticed me and showed support by encouraging the distribution of Krishna to all of the others there. At first being stressed out and then coming to face it all the crowd was called to attention by one of the students to my right and then I spoke. Remembering Eka Gauranga's stories of the 'South of the Border' style of distributing on buses; the students were infromed, the books distributed and Laxmi collected at the end of it all.

So ten or so big books went out there and about the same in soft covered copies of A.C. Bhaktivedante Swami Prabhupada's books. Having gone outside for some of the rest of the students to get books this was not as efficent as the inside but still it went nice, even one student who was there is a son of a congregation member here and his name is Arjuna!

Your Servant,
Jnana Caksus Dasa Brahmacari

Post Script: Yesterday, 23rd April, while distributing in Missouri one person had given me a few dollars for a book. While counting the Laxmi two one-hundred dollar bills appeared and to suprise it was from someone who did not mention this in the transaction. While counting the remainder of the collected Laxmi a man came to the temple in terrible distress asking if this could be countered. He took back his Laxmi and then gave the donation which he intended and also a few extra.

Author: admin

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