Street Chanitng

Srila Prabhupad and Street Chanitng

It seems that Lord caitanya Mahaprabhu is often trying to remind me of the importance of harinam sankirtan [Public chanting].

Recentely in Tokyo Audayya Prabhu {Israeli] was distributing books. He met one gentleman who had seen the chanting party in London 30 [thirty] years ago. He had a good memory and took a book.

Yesterday in Bangkok we went to the park for our Sunday Kirtan. There was one elderly [61] Thai gentleman there who had seen the kirtan party, [including HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada] whilst living in New York from 1969 until 1974. Recentely he saw Guru Kripa and Vaisesikha Prabhus chainting on the streets of Bangkok. He got a song book from them and is studying it. He also has a clicker and showed me that he had chanted 1740 mantras the previous day, "more thatn 16 rounds".

We are attending one Spiritual Fair in Bangkok. Just towards the end one family came to me with many questions. He had seen the chanting parties when he lived in Los Angeles twenty [20] years ago.

There are millions of souls who have seen and loved our kirtan parties. We simply have to keep making ourselves available to the public and of course give them proper guidance and examples of devotional life and Kali will have to retreat.

Hoping this meets you in the best of health,^
Your servant,^
Kavicandra Swami

Author: admin

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