Los Angeles Sastra Dana Newsletter

Tamal Krishna Goswami

Tamala Krishna Goswami reads part of a letter to Srila Prabhupada:

"They claimed I was brainwashed by Srila Prabhupada and the devotees, and they were here to get me to think for myself again. They kept me up for ten hours at a time for so-called deprogramming, just blaspheming Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and telling lie after lie.

Finally they let me go to sleep, and in the morning it was time for more blaspheming and lies. But by Krishna’s mercy I was able to escape out the front door of the house, which was unguarded. I ran down my block barefooted and was able to get to my friend’s house. I told him the story. He gave me enough money to get to a nearby temple.

There I served Radha and Krishna and had the association of my Godbrothers, who are most dear to me. There I spent the happiest time of my life as a devotee with the association of the Vrajabasis (residents of Vrindavana). Being a devotee of Lord Sri Krishna, there's nothing like it – singing, dancing, taking prasadam, being happy and free from anxiety all the time. It is just a blissful life. All Krishna wants is for us to be happy with Him.

I called my parents and told them that I was doing fine and that I had even gained seven pounds in weight. They had the police looking for me all over the place and they finally showed up. Maharaja felt it was best that I go back and clear things up with my parents and with their consent come back. But they refused to let me go, and instead put me through a one month deprogramming session. This time I was unable to escape. But now Krishna has pulled me through, even though I'm forced to live with my parents. They are nice people, but they just don't understand about transcendental life. But they will come around sooner or later. I cannot keep any Vedic literature at home, so a friend lets me keep it at his house, and I read it during my school lunchtime. I am not able to keep japa beads to chant on, so I chant Hare Krishna on rosary beads.

I'm sixteen years old now and going to school, where I am taught little of any value. It is sometimes difficult to remain Krishna conscious out in the material world, but I pray to Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda to help me become strong and desire to serve Krishna more and more every day. I will be able to join the Hare Krishna movement in person in two years, which isn't very long considering that I have waited to serve Krishna for millions of lifetimes.

If you have the opportunity to serve Krishna, don't waste it, because you may wind up in my shoes in your next life.

Hare Krishna."

Srila Prabhupada: If one man is turned by this, the movement is successful. So there is good prospect, good hope. And you all combine together, try. Push this movement more and more.

Tamala Krishna Goswami: A lot of encouraging… I mean, everywhere there's victory.

Srila Prabhupada: Now I am assured. If I die or live this movement will go on. Is it not?

Tamala Krishna Goswami: This movement cannot die. Too many… Implanted in so many peoples hearts now. We cannot get it out anymore.

Room conversations Vrindavana, July 8 1977

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