Irish Anecdote

Streets of Dublin

Distributing books on the streets of Dublin, I went back to my box of books to get another Bhagavad Gita and overheard a lady say jokingly to Mayesvara Prabhu, my sankirtan partner, "If I buy this book, my husband will kill me."

Then I poked my head into their conversation and said to her, "But he can't kill you; you're eternal."

I went on distributing, and a few minutes later Mayesvara came up to me and said, "Good that you did that, because as soon as you said that she started thinking about her daughter, who recently died.

"She said, 'She's actually not dead; she's living somewhere else. This is nice to know.' Then she bought the book."

Your Servant,

Vijaya Dasa

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