Hare Krsna Challange

Kingston of London

While distributing books with the Weekend Warriors program in the Kingston section of London, I met a man of African nationality who was a little bit disheveled, with unkempt hair. He said, "I have your 'Bhagavad-gita As It Is.'"

"That's great," I replied. "Have you read it?"

"I'm in the process of reading it."

So I showed him the "Veda" book, saying, "This is our latest publication. It's an introductory book." I showed him the contents and some pictures. He was really impressed and took one.

I also gave him a flyer for a program we were having the next Friday.

On Friday he came and was looking different — hair cut neatly, clean clothes. I almost didn't recognize him.

He reminded me of our meeting in Kingston and showed me his copy of "Veda," saying, "I read it every day as my daily book of wisdom." He had some sections highlighted and had marked others with star-shaped stickers. He said, "I read a chapter every day, and points that I like I read before I go to bed."

I told him about our Hare Krishna Challenge, where one chants a round every day for one week. We give the participants beads, and the next week they return them or keep chanting. He eagerly took up the challenge.

So I invited him to the Sunday Feast at the temple and he showed up. He took prasadam, heard the class, and asked if he could keep the beads because he was enjoying the challenge.

Hare Krsna.

We are seeking the blessings of all the assembled book distributors to have an ecstatic Prabhupada marathon this year.

Your Servant,

Sundar Nitai dasa

Author: admin

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