Guard your health and distribute more books

Set of Srimad Bhagavatams and Krishna books

In western Australia we had been running low on books, so I went around to all the storage sheds and lockers around the temple and rounded up all the books and did an inventory to see how many books we had so that we'd know when to make a book order. I found lots of old Srimad Bhagavatams and Krishna books, so I have been going out with them. It's ecstatic. When Srila Prabhupada was on the planet, devotees used to distribute the Srimad Bhagavatams as they came out. Never has ISKCON made so many devotees and been as successful as when we had the program of distributing all of Srila Prabhupada's books. In that mood I've been going out.

The other day I approached a group of high school students and showed them the Krishna book. When they saw the pictures of Krishna cutting off the heads of demons and I told them the stories, they declared that our books are way better than the Bible, and they all gave donations and took books.

Then I met a guy who asked us to open a restaurant in the suburb of Maddington (where he lives). He said that all they have there fast food. People are starving for something better. He even mentioned that he knows devotees are supposed to feed everyone within a ten-mile radius of the temple.

I've been meeting many very nice Sikh people from India. They are extremely favorable. I think there is a great future in preaching Krishna consciousness amongst Sikhs.

For many years I've been tired a lot and it has hampered my Krishna consciousness so I finally decided to get a complete health check. It turns out I've had an underactive thyroid gland for a long time. The Thyroid gland regulates body metabolism, body heat, energy, weight, etc. When it's underactive the most common symptom is tiredness even to the point where one wants to die. It can be quite serious. After the health checks I hooked up with some Naturopathic doctors. I started taking kelp which provides Iodine which helps to regulate the thyroid. I now eat only organic food, filtered water, do yoga exercises daily and do an herbal cleanse regularly and because of this I am experiencing a renaissance in my book distribution and Krishna consciousness.

For many years I thought I was in Maya, but now can see that it was a simple health problem that can be easily fixed. If we take care of our health we can do so much more service and in that way distribute more and more books and please Krishna more and more.

Your Servant,

Devaki Nandana Dasa

Author: admin

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