Front Line Preaching

Hungry Soliers

The weather is hot: 130F and 140F in my truck… danger at every step…

I was out walking, to check out and refill my book rack and drop off some prasadam sent from some wonderful devotees, when all of a sudden explosions were heard. At first I thought it was nothing but it got louder and closer… we were under a mortar attack. Quickly I ran into the closest bunker. As I got in, I noticed there were some soldiers there. I was smiling and right away started handing out cookies and books to all. They were so grateful, smiling ear to ear upon recieving such wonderful gifts. Then I ran to the next bunker and again handed out more cookies and books to the hungry soldiers. They were hungry for spiritual knowledge. While all this was going on, we were still taking incoming motar rounds. Finally after running around to four more bunkers, I came across an empty bunker. As I got in and looked down, I saw that I had one cookie left and a book.I thought, let me eat this last cookie and read a bit. I earned it today. Just as I was going to enjoy these transcedental treats, another soldier came in. I looked at the cookie and felt embarrassed. The job of a devotee is to give out all the mercy, to not keep anything for himself. I turned to the soldier without saying a word, handed him the cookie and my last book and sat back. Thinking to myself, thank you Krsna for teaching me such a valuable lesson.

Things are good here, we have passed out the 550th book in 3 months!

Your Servant,

Partha Sarathi Dasa

Author: admin

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