An Honest Seeker

Los Angeles Airport

by Dwarakesa das

I was distributing in the international terminal at the Los Angeles Airport when I approached a man who was coming down the escalator.

"Excuse me, sir, are you from LA or out of town?"

He replied, "Can't you see I'm in a hurry? Don't bother me." Then he went on his way.

Two minutes later he came back and asked if the books I had were spiritual.

I said, "Yes they are."

"Oh, I didn't know! Yes, I would be interested in having those books."

I gave him three books-SSR, JSD, and POY. Then he went on to say how fortunate he was to see me because spirituality was his main interest at this time in his life. So I decided to also give him a Bhagavad-gita. He put all the books in his bag, thanked me, and was about to leave when I said, "Usually people give donations for the books. Could you give a donation?"

"Oh, I don't have any money on me. Should I give the books back?"

"Are you going to read them?"

"Yes, I'll definitely read them."

"OK, here's my address. If you could send a donation for the books, that would be nice." I gave him my card with the temple address.

A week later I received a letter from him thanking me for the books with a check for a hundred dollars.

Author: admin

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