A doubter bends towards Krsna

Lord Krishna - The Supreme Father

I'd put a stall close to Chembur Station in Mumbai, which a middle-aged man out of curiosity stopped to check.

He looked at the books and, looking at me, said “Madam, why are you wasting time with these books? I do not believe in all those things.”

Challenged in this way, I wanted to refute his words, knowing that it's difficult to persuade such a person.

I told him, “Sir, I can give you some answers, but provided you have time to hear me.”

He said he had time and wished to hear.

I asked his name and whether he had kids and if they had grown up.

Then I asked him, "What if you walked into your home, and your children refused to recognize you. Or said 'You are not our father.'"

The man couldn’t digest this example. I told him to make a thought experiment and consider what he'd feel if it really happened.

He was shocked. He soon connected this example to the statement he made about the books and God's existence. After a few minutes of contemplation he asked for the rate of the English Bhagavad-gita and purchased it and left.

The next morning, I saw him again, walking on the same road. This time he himself came over and appreciated my efforts to share thoughts and this great book. He mentioned that on the next day in their colony there would be a religious function and he invited me to set up a stall. He said that whatever help I needed, he will readily and happily provide.

Vedmata Mataji, Sion.

Author: admin

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