Prayer Worked

Prayer Worked

We changed locations twice, yet the books were not distributed. At our third location, all of us formed a circle and prayed to Lord Chaitanya: kathañcana smrte yasmin duskaram sukaram bhavet vismrte viparitam syat sri-caitanyam namami tam.

After the prayer, as we turned outward, a pious couple was walking by. Parantapa, Niharika and Advaita narrated to them the glories of the Bhagavatam. Abhijeet narrated the glories of Lord Chaitanya, who read the Bhagavatam again and again. Shyamasundar Prabhu and Prameela Mataji connected in Telugu. The couple agreed to buy the set.

We met more favorable families who appreciated and took a set.

All glories to the most merciful Lord Chaitanya! It was freezing cold, but we devotees stayed out till late, along with the kids.

Later in the night, one set was distributed at Govinda Prabhu’s New Year's Eve kirtan program. His sincere prayer to distribute a set was fulfilled.

Kamesvari-devi Dasi

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