

I'm in Rostov (Russia), where there is a sankirtan festival, and devotees from all over Russia are here. This morning Caitanya Chandra Caran Prabhu, a disciple of Jayapataka Swami, who has about 1,500 disciples in Russia, was speaking to everyone on Skype and encouraging them to distribute books. He told us of a sankirtan adventure that took place during the Communist era. The police had confiscated quite a few boxes of books from an apartment during an unexpected visit. Some devotees boldly went to the police station to try to retrieve the books, and the policemen were very angry at the devotees for even thinking that they would get the books back. But the devotees were angry because the police wouldn't give the books back. So there was a lot of anger.

One devotee remembered that there was a lady devotee who, mystically, is very unnoticeable. Sometimes in the past she would go to a namahatta program, and afterwords the devotees would ask her, "Why weren't you at the program?" And she would respond, "I was there." So she was called, and she came to the police station. She looked around to see who was there, asked a devotee where the books were, went in and started taking the books out.

While she was taking them, one policeman even helped her put the books in her vehicle. And she drove off with all the books. Right after she left, another policeman asked, "Where are the books?" The devotees answered, "We don't know." Then he said, "Well, somehow the books aren't here, so there is no need for you to be here. So go." And the devotees left.

Your servant,
Vijaya das,

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