RAPALLO, Italy—I rang an office bell, and a boy opened the door. I offered him a book on karma, but he said he wasn’t the owner, so I asked him to show the book to the owner and let me know what he said.
In a situation like this, the person rarely takes a book, but I tried anyway. While I was waiting, I began to reciting the *Gita* verse starting *sarvasya caham hrdi sannivistho*, praying that the Lord in the person’s heart would inspire him. After a while the boy returned without the book but with a donation for it!
VARAZZE, Italy—As soon as I entered a beach bar, George Harrison’s song “My Sweet Lord” came on the radio. I pointed this out to the boy and girl at the bar and told them to listen to the part where George chants Hare Krsna.
Then I brought out a big book plus *Chant And Be Happy* with George’s picture on the cover. The boy and girl were so inspired they decided to take the books!
I recall that when George asked Prabhupada if he should shave his head and move into a temple, Prabhupada advised him to make his home a temple and spread Krsna consciousness by singing songs about Krsna. Thanks especially to “My Sweet Lord,” many people have taken books for years and will do so for years to come!