Inspired by An Announcement

Inspired by an announcements

Hare Krishna Prabhuji, Inspired by the announcements by you in the temple on sunday, emails from spiritual nectar and HG Narasimhalila Prabhu mail of inviting 19 new people , I am trying to post a small experience I had few weeks ago… By being inspired by the daily postings of the book score by the devotee sand about the idea of using book distribution as an instrument to bring new people. We tried on one saturday to do book distribution door to door knocking individual rooms. I met with a person whom I met him a year ago in train while travelling from Hyderabad to Trivandrum. We both were surprised that we met again after a year and were remembering the conversations.

Then I introduced him that this is Gita Jayanti month and asked him if he canread “Srimad Bhagavad Gita”.He immediately accepted with a big smile on his face and discussed about Bhagavad Gita for a while and finally exchanged our phone numbers and left. The next saturday we invited him for our youthprogram‐lectures on Bhagavad Gita.He liked the program.We invited him for Sunday feast to the temple too . Very enthusiastically he attended theSunday feast and at the end he asked for a broom stick for cleaning the temple hall. I was shocked and simultaneously happy by seeing his enthusiasm. Before leaving he told that he is interested to distribute Bhagavad Gita and asked that can he join? After hearing this, I was looking at one of the other devotees and gazing in amazement (who is this person?)…Srila Prabhupada ki Jay!!!

Rupesh Prabhu , Trivandrum

Author: admin

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