A construction worker is inspired by Prabhupada’s books

A construction worker is inspired by Prabhupada’s books

Gopal Champu prabhu recalls: Super sweet guy named Zam from Brooklyn. He ran into the Harinam about a year ago and took some books from us. Since then he’s been reading Prabhupada’s books and chanting “Hare Krishna” daily. He put a Jagannath sticker that we had given him on his work helmet for good luck and it’s been there for a year now! He’s working construction in the area where we’ve been distributing books for the past week and...

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Sandy gets the mercy

Sandy gets the mercy

Mahotsaha Prabhu recalls: Really nice lady named Sandy from Baltimore. She saw us walking into a grocery store with some books in our hands and came up to ask if she could get a few of them! She’s a kundalini yoga instructor and likes to read spiritual books so we told her we’ll meet her outside with some very special books! We went to the car, took a “Srimad Bhagavatam” set out and showed her the set when she came out to meet us! It...

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The Hare Krsna movie does it again

The Hare Krsna movie does it again

Recent encounter in Union Sqaure NY. I meet this nice guy named Rob, he came over to the table and was really appreciative of everything we were doing and told me he had all of Prabhupada’s books.  I became interested and asked how he had gotten them and what got him started. Then he told me, “two years ago my friend invited me to go see the Hare Krishna Movie, I was so impressed with this movement that after that I...

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From Janananda Maharaja our ever-youthful Swami

From Janananda Maharaja our ever-youthful Swami

LAST DAY OF MARATHON – DECEMBER 31st LAST DAY OF 2019 LAST CHANCE TO DISTRIBUTE SRILA PRABHUPADA’S BOOKS THIS YEAR In France, this month, we have distributed around 3500 books so far- AH! but that does not include many of our devotees around the country – this is just amongst the devotees in  New Mayapura and Paris. And it is interesting to note that the devotees from New Mayapura are only 10 book points behind...

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Success is in the effort

Success is in the effort

On a recent evening, I was in Manchester buying a couple of groceries after sankirtana, while listening to podcasts from New Zealand. The devotee speaking was repeatedly talking about ‘trying’ and ‘making an effort’ as I was at the checkout, being served by a friendly Afro-Carribean man named Jeph. While the words ‘keep trying’ from the podcast were playing in my earphones, I asked Jeph how he was....

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