The Power of Brigupati Prabhu

Book Distribution 1

When I was young I had the idea that I would just be a simple book distributor for this whole life and many future lives. Somehow or other I was not pure enough. It is a great inspiration of see Brgu Pati Prabhu and perhaps in some future life I can join him.

Recentely I went out for book distribution, after a long break. As I came outof the station I met one old "bhakta" on the corner. This was in Tokyo were there is over 25 million people at thousands of stations and corners. This boy has been trying to be a devotee for over 20 years. Anyway, he was very excited and wanted to give a donation. He kept saying that he couldn't give much, and he gave 300 dollars.

I felt the Krsna was trying to encourage me to go out regularly and I have been trying.

Author: admin

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