The 2003 marathon and the new year

Srila Prabhupada

Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope everyone had a successful 2003 Prabhupada marathon, we'll get the results in a few weeks. One nice thing about our transendental book distribution competition is that everyone is a winner. Someone may go out to distribute and give everything he has, although there may not be much result he gets the reward of Krsna's satisfaction and thus his own.

Another nice aspect of the marathon is that because there has been so much absorption in book distribution one's realizations about book distribution increases and thus his conviction and determination to distribute goes beyond his previous understanding.

Now we have another year ahead of us, throughout the world people are making new-years-resolutions. Prabhupada set one for us, he used to say, after hearing the years result: "Now double it". He always set big goals, he even said once that "My disease is that I never think small". We're all trying to be Prabhupadanugas, so it will certainly be healthy for us to also have his mood. He said we should always be taxing our brains, how to distribute more books. Not to long ago I was impressed and inspired by a devotee who has this mood. Brgupati Prabhu mentioned to me that he wants to distribute books for fifty years (thirty so far). While people are making new years resolutions he's making a life resolution. When I heard this I thought "Yes, why not also give my whole life to distributing these books, that have changed my life and so many others.

Because these books are the combined teachings of Krsna and the pure servant of Krsna they are very attractive, like the diamond set in gold, very attractive. The purity in these books are helping more and more people appreciate this Krsna consciousness movement. Today I met a man that said "If there's any book that has something on Krsna consciousness, I'm for it." An hour later I handed a man the Bhagavad Gita, he held it in his hands with great respect and said "Ah, the Bhagavad Gita". So I kind of stood back, also looking at and admiring the book and said, "Yes, the famous Bhagavad Gita." Then he went on to say, "What a great book of wisdom". I agreed, "The only lack in society". He had many times heard of the Bhagavad Gita and had read excerpts from it but had never actually owned one, now he was very happy he did.

All over the world devotees are having these experiences and thus we can understand that, "Krsna consciousness" the only lack in society, is increasing.

All glories to the transendental distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books!!

Author: admin

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