Have contact information in the book

Have contact information in the book

While in Sri Lanka, where the Bhagavatam sets are flying out under the sincere management of Vasudeva Datta Prabhu, it came to my attention that a local devotee there became a devotee by receiving a book. He liked the book and was thinking how to find out more, when he found a stamp in the book that told him where the temple is and how to get more books.

This is so important! We have to leave contact information in the book for those rare souls looking for it. Let's try to make it as easy as possible for them to contact us.

Yes, there are addresses in the book so that they can contact a temple in that way, but why not make it easier by putting an invitation card in the book or a stamp on the inside front cover?

There's a devotee who used to be with the Jehovah Witnesses, who said that we are good at getting the books out, but terrible at following up on people that show interest.

Another thing he said, and it's a big thing with the JW, is that as soon as they find someone who's a little interested, they figure out what the person is good at and try to engage him or her in this service.

He said that the first devotee he met was very good at that: “He asked me what my profession is and got me engaged in a similar service at the temple.”

We need more of that, being personal with new people. Remember, we're not just out there to distribute books. We also would like people to take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna. A little thing like putting an invitation card or a stamp in the book could make the difference.

The devotee who was with the JWs got a book and in the book was an invitation card, so he went to the temple and became a devotee.

Your servant,
Vijaya Dasa

Author: admin

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