A Receptive Soul

A Receptive Soul

I met a lady, Natalia, who worked as a clinical psychologist at a health and well being centre in Adelaide, Australia. I showed her the Bhagvad Gita. She excitedly told me that she had recently heard about the book but could not remember the context in which she heard about it. I showed her the pictures and told her that we are not this body. Then I talked to her about the subtle body and explained the picture with the chariot and the horses. She said it all made sense to her as in her job she dealt with the mind and her role was to manage her clients' egos!

Natalia mentioned that she was doing a type of meditation. I pointed out to her that many types of meditation are impersonal. They help us in controlling the mind whilst we are in meditation but soon after the session finishes our mind starts wandering again. She agreed with me on this point.

I told her that we need to connect with Supreme Consciousness and that there is a mantra that helps us to do that. By chanting this mantra and following the instructions in Bhagvad Gita was can always remain connected and have a peaceful mind. I pointed out the Hare Krishna maha mantra in Bhagvad Gita's Introduction chapter and read it out to her. She became emotional as soon as she heard the mantra and put her hand on her heart. This was the first time that I saw someone instantly touched by the mantra. I gave her the Bhagvad Gita and pointed out our ISKCON centre in Adelaide listed at the back of the book.

As I am writing this I can see how Krishna empowered me to say all the right things to this lady.

Your servant

Author: admin

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